Halo enemies
Halo enemies

halo enemies

The graphics for this part of the game have been updated nicely, particularly the vast vistas showing Halo's interior structure rising up in the distance and then up overhead. This is easily the best part of the game and, combined with the game's robustly entertaining multiplayer mode and some very strong multiplayer maps, is where the game's reputation mostly comes from. The first third or so of the ten-hour game features entertaining outdoors combat on islands, in valleys and on grasslands, sometimes featuring vehicles with multiple crewing points and some pretty solid friendly AI.


On the plus side of things, Halo has some very nice environments.

halo enemies

Alas, the remaster has stuck extremely close to the original game design, replicating its flaws as well as its strengths.

halo enemies

To be frank, in the case of Halo, I was looking forwards to some changes to the game's design, which have not only aged well, but were pretty poor going even in 2001. Remasters of this kind are always controversial, since they sometimes alter and adjust the original game's level design and aesthetic. This Anniversary Edition of Halo was released in 2011 to celebrate the franchise's tenth anniversary and was re-released in 2020 as part of the Halo Master Chief Collection on PC. It's always been an interesting anomaly that such an enormously popular franchise has expanded from such mixed beginnings. Halo: Combat Evolved was originally released in 2001 as the signature game of the original Microsoft X-Box game console, as well as the first game in the expansive Halo franchise, which has expanded to seven main-series games, three major spin-offs and numerous novels and comic books, as well as an upcoming TV series.

Halo enemies